%YAML 1.1
# Suricata configuration file. In addition to the comments describing all
# options in this file, full documentation can be found at:
# https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/projects/suricata/wiki/Suricatayaml
## Step 1: inform Suricata about your network
# more specifc is better for alert accuracy and performance
HOME_NET: "[]"
HTTP_PORTS: "80,8080"
DNP3_PORTS: 20000
SERVER_PORTS: "21,22,23,80,81,443,591,901,1533,3128,8000,8080,8081,8443"
## Step 2: select the rules to enable or disable
default-rule-path: /etc/suricata/rules
- etpro/exploit.rules
- etpro/malware.rules
- etpro/mobile_malware.rules
- etpro/scan.rules
- etpro/trojan.rules
- etpro/worm.rules
- etpro/current_events.rules
- etpro/user_agents.rules
- etpro/web_server.rules
- custom.rules
classification-file: /etc/suricata/classification.config
reference-config-file: /etc/suricata/reference.config
# threshold-file: /etc/suricata/threshold.config
## Step 3: select outputs to enable
# The default logging directory. Any log or output file will be
# placed here if its not specified with a full path name. This can be
# overridden with the -l command line parameter.
default-log-dir: /var/log/suricata/
# global stats configuration
enabled: yes
# The interval field (in seconds) controls at what interval
# the loggers are invoked.
interval: 8
# Configure the type of alert (and other) logging you would like.
# a line based alerts log similar to Snort's fast.log
- fast:
enabled: yes
filename: fast.log
append: yes
#filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'
# Extensible Event Format (nicknamed EVE) event log in JSON format
- eve-log:
enabled: yes
filetype: regular #regular|syslog|unix_dgram|unix_stream|redis
# filename: eve.json
filename: eve-%y-%m-%d-%H-%M.json
rotate-interval: 30m
- dns:
query: yes # enable logging of DNS queries
answer: yes # enable logging of DNS answers
# a full alerts log containing much information for signature writers
# or for investigating suspected false positives.
- alert-debug:
enabled: no
filename: alert-debug.log
append: yes
#filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'
# Stats.log contains data from various counters of the suricata engine.
- stats:
enabled: yes
filename: stats.log
totals: yes # stats for all threads merged together
threads: no # per thread stats
#null-values: yes # print counters that have value 0
# a line based alerts log similar to fast.log into syslog
- syslog:
enabled: no
# reported identity to syslog. If ommited the program name (usually
# suricata) will be used.
#identity: "suricata"
facility: local5
#level: Info ## possible levels: Emergency, Alert, Critical,
## Error, Warning, Notice, Info, Debug
# Logging configuration. This is not about logging IDS alerts/events, but
# output about what Suricata is doing, like startup messages, errors, etc.
# The default log level, can be overridden in an output section.
# Note that debug level logging will only be emitted if Suricata was
# compiled with the --enable-debug configure option.
# This value is overriden by the SC_LOG_LEVEL env var.
default-log-level: notice
# The default output format. Optional parameter, should default to
# something reasonable if not provided. Can be overriden in an
# output section. You can leave this out to get the default.
# This value is overriden by the SC_LOG_FORMAT env var.
#default-log-format: "[%i] %t - (%f:%l) <%d> (%n) -- "
# A regex to filter output. Can be overridden in an output section.
# Defaults to empty (no filter).
# This value is overriden by the SC_LOG_OP_FILTER env var.
# Define your logging outputs. If none are defined, or they are all
# disabled you will get the default - console output.
- console:
enabled: yes
# type: json
- file:
enabled: yes
level: info
filename: /var/log/suricata/suricata.log
# type: json
- syslog:
enabled: no
facility: local5
format: "[%i] <%d> -- "
# type: json
## Step 5: App Layer Protocol Configuration
# Configure the app-layer parsers. The protocols section details each
# protocol.
# The option "enabled" takes 3 values - "yes", "no", "detection-only".
# "yes" enables both detection and the parser, "no" disables both, and
# "detection-only" enables protocol detection only (parser disabled).
enabled: yes
dp: 443
# Completely stop processing TLS/SSL session after the handshake
# completed. If bypass is enabled this will also trigger flow
# bypass. If disabled (the default), TLS/SSL session is still
# tracked for Heartbleed and other anomalies.
#no-reassemble: yes
enabled: yes
enabled: yes
enabled: yes
enabled: detection-only
enabled: detection-only
enabled: yes
dp: 139, 445
# memcaps. Globally and per flow/state.
#global-memcap: 16mb
#state-memcap: 512kb
# How many unreplied DNS requests are considered a flood.
# If the limit is reached, app-layer-event:dns.flooded; will match.
#request-flood: 500
enabled: yes
dp: 53
enabled: yes
dp: 53
enabled: yes
memcap: 4gb
# memcap: 64mb
# default-config: Used when no server-config matches
# personality: List of personalities used by default
# request-body-limit: Limit reassembly of request body for inspection
# by http_client_body & pcre /P option.
# response-body-limit: Limit reassembly of response body for inspection
# by file_data, http_server_body & pcre /Q option.
# double-decode-path: Double decode path section of the URI
# double-decode-query: Double decode query section of the URI
# response-body-decompress-layer-limit:
# Limit to how many layers of compression will be
# decompressed. Defaults to 2.
# server-config: List of server configurations to use if address matches
# address: List of ip addresses or networks for this block
# personalitiy: List of personalities used by this block
# request-body-limit: Limit reassembly of request body for inspection
# by http_client_body & pcre /P option.
# response-body-limit: Limit reassembly of response body for inspection
# by file_data, http_server_body & pcre /Q option.
# double-decode-path: Double decode path section of the URI
# double-decode-query: Double decode query section of the URI
# uri-include-all: Include all parts of the URI. By default the
# 'scheme', username/password, hostname and port
# are excluded. Setting this option to true adds
# all of them to the normalized uri as inspected
# by http_uri, urilen, pcre with /U and the other
# keywords that inspect the normalized uri.
# Note that this does not affect http_raw_uri.
# Also, note that including all was the default in
# 1.4 and 2.0beta1.
# meta-field-limit: Hard size limit for request and response size
# limits. Applies to request line and headers,
# response line and headers. Does not apply to
# request or response bodies. Default is 18k.
# If this limit is reached an event is raised.
# Currently Available Personalities:
# Minimal, Generic, IDS (default), IIS_4_0, IIS_5_0, IIS_5_1, IIS_6_0,
# IIS_7_0, IIS_7_5, Apache_2
personality: IDS
# Can be specified in kb, mb, gb. Just a number indicates
# it's in bytes.
request-body-limit: 12mb
response-body-limit: 12mb
# inspection limits
request-body-minimal-inspect-size: 32kb
request-body-inspect-window: 4kb
response-body-minimal-inspect-size: 40kb
response-body-inspect-window: 16kb
# response body decompression (0 disables)
response-body-decompress-layer-limit: 2
# auto will use http-body-inline mode in IPS mode, yes or no set it statically
http-body-inline: auto
# Take a random value for inspection sizes around the specified value.
# This lower the risk of some evasion technics but could lead
# detection change between runs. It is set to 'yes' by default.
#randomize-inspection-sizes: yes
# If randomize-inspection-sizes is active, the value of various
# inspection size will be choosen in the [1 - range%, 1 + range%]
# range
# Default value of randomize-inspection-range is 10.
#randomize-inspection-range: 10
# decoding
double-decode-path: no
double-decode-query: no
- apache:
address: []
personality: Apache_2
# # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb. Just a number indicates
# # it's in bytes.
request-body-limit: 4096
response-body-limit: 4096
# Limit for the maximum number of asn1 frames to decode (default 256)
asn1-max-frames: 256
## Advanced settings below
## Run Options
# Run suricata as user and group.
# user: suri
# group: suri
# Some logging module will use that name in event as identifier. The default
# value is the hostname
#sensor-name: suricata
# Default location of the pid file. The pid file is only used in
# daemon mode (start Suricata with -D). If not running in daemon mode
# the --pidfile command line option must be used to create a pid file.
#pid-file: /var/run/suricata.pid
# Daemon working directory
# Suricata will change directory to this one if provided
# Default: "/"
#daemon-directory: "/"
# Suricata core dump configuration. Limits the size of the core dump file to
# approximately max-dump. The actual core dump size will be a multiple of the
# page size. Core dumps that would be larger than max-dump are truncated. On
# Linux, the actual core dump size may be a few pages larger than max-dump.
# Setting max-dump to 0 disables core dumping.
# Setting max-dump to 'unlimited' will give the full core dump file.
# On 32-bit Linux, a max-dump value >= ULONG_MAX may cause the core dump size
# to be 'unlimited'.
max-dump: unlimited
# If suricata box is a router for the sniffed networks, set it to 'router'. If
# it is a pure sniffing setup, set it to 'sniffer-only'.
# If set to auto, the variable is internally switch to 'router' in IPS mode
# and 'sniffer-only' in IDS mode.
# This feature is currently only used by the reject* keywords.
host-mode: sniffer-only
# Number of packets preallocated per thread. The default is 1024. A higher number
# will make sure each CPU will be more easily kept busy, but may negatively
# impact caching.
# If you are using the CUDA pattern matcher (mpm-algo: ac-cuda), different rules
# apply. In that case try something like 60000 or more. This is because the CUDA
# pattern matcher buffers and scans as many packets as possible in parallel.
max-pending-packets: 10000
# Runmode the engine should use. Please check --list-runmodes to get the available
# runmodes for each packet acquisition method. Defaults to "autofp" (auto flow pinned
# load balancing).
runmode: workers
# Specifies the kind of flow load balancer used by the flow pinned autofp mode.
# Supported schedulers are:
# round-robin - Flows assigned to threads in a round robin fashion.
# active-packets - Flows assigned to threads that have the lowest number of
# unprocessed packets (default).
# hash - Flow alloted usihng the address hash. More of a random
# technique. Was the default in Suricata 1.2.1 and older.
autofp-scheduler: active-packets
# Preallocated size for packet. Default is 1514 which is the classical
# size for pcap on ethernet. You should adjust this value to the highest
# packet size (MTU + hardware header) on your system.
default-packet-size: 9018
# Unix command socket can be used to pass commands to suricata.
# An external tool can then connect to get information from suricata
# or trigger some modifications of the engine. Set enabled to yes
# to activate the feature. In auto mode, the feature will only be
# activated in live capture mode. You can use the filename variable to set
# the file name of the socket.
enabled: no
# enabled: auto
#filename: custom.socket
# Magic file. The extension .mgc is added to the value here.
#magic-file: /usr/share/file/magic
uricontent: enabled
## Detection settings
# Set the order of alerts bassed on actions
# The default order is pass, drop, reject, alert
# action-order:
# - pass
# - drop
# - reject
# - alert
# IP Reputation
#reputation-categories-file: /etc/suricata/iprep/categories.txt
#default-reputation-path: /etc/suricata/iprep
# - reputation.list
# When run with the option --engine-analysis, the engine will read each of
# the parameters below, and print reports for each of the enabled sections
# and exit. The reports are printed to a file in the default log dir
# given by the parameter "default-log-dir", with engine reporting
# subsection below printing reports in its own report file.
# enables printing reports for fast-pattern for every rule.
rules-fast-pattern: yes
# enables printing reports for each rule
rules: yes
#recursion and match limits for PCRE where supported
match-limit: 3500
match-limit-recursion: 1500
## Advanced Traffic Tracking and Reconstruction Settings
# Host specific policies for defragmentation and TCP stream
# reassembly. The host OS lookup is done using a radix tree, just
# like a routing table so the most specific entry matches.
# Make the default policy windows.
windows: []
bsd: []
bsd-right: []
old-linux: []
linux: []
old-solaris: []
solaris: []
hpux10: []
hpux11: []
irix: []
macos: []
vista: []
windows2k3: []
# Defrag settings:
hash-size: 65536
trackers: 65535 # number of defragmented flows to follow
max-frags: 65535 # number of fragments to keep (higher than trackers)
prealloc: yes
timeout: 10
# Enable defrag per host settings
# host-config:
# - dmz:
# timeout: 30
# address: [,,,, "", "", "::1"]
# - lan:
# timeout: 45
# address:
# -
# -
# -
# Flow settings:
# By default, the reserved memory (memcap) for flows is 32MB. This is the limit
# for flow allocation inside the engine. You can change this value to allow
# more memory usage for flows.
# The hash-size determine the size of the hash used to identify flows inside
# the engine, and by default the value is 65536.
# At the startup, the engine can preallocate a number of flows, to get a better
# performance. The number of flows preallocated is 10000 by default.
# emergency-recovery is the percentage of flows that the engine need to
# prune before unsetting the emergency state. The emergency state is activated
# when the memcap limit is reached, allowing to create new flows, but
# prunning them with the emergency timeouts (they are defined below).
# If the memcap is reached, the engine will try to prune flows
# with the default timeouts. If it doens't find a flow to prune, it will set
# the emergency bit and it will try again with more agressive timeouts.
# If that doesn't work, then it will try to kill the last time seen flows
# not in use.
# The memcap can be specified in kb, mb, gb. Just a number indicates it's
# in bytes.
memcap: 1gb
hash-size: 1048576
prealloc: 1048576
prune-flows: 50000
emergency-recovery: 30
managers: 10
#recyclers: 1 # default to one flow recycler thread
# This option controls the use of vlan ids in the flow (and defrag)
# hashing. Normally this should be enabled, but in some (broken)
# setups where both sides of a flow are not tagged with the same vlan
# tag, we can ignore the vlan id's in the flow hashing.
use-for-tracking: false
# Specific timeouts for flows. Here you can specify the timeouts that the
# active flows will wait to transit from the current state to another, on each
# protocol. The value of "new" determine the seconds to wait after a hanshake or
# stream startup before the engine free the data of that flow it doesn't
# change the state to established (usually if we don't receive more packets
# of that flow). The value of "established" is the amount of
# seconds that the engine will wait to free the flow if it spend that amount
# without receiving new packets or closing the connection. "closed" is the
# amount of time to wait after a flow is closed (usually zero). "bypassed"
# timeout controls locally bypassed flows. For these flows we don't do any other
# tracking. If no packets have been seen after this timeout, the flow is discarded.
# There's an emergency mode that will become active under attack circumstances,
# making the engine to check flow status faster. This configuration variables
# use the prefix "emergency-" and work similar as the normal ones.
# Some timeouts doesn't apply to all the protocols, like "closed", for udp and
# icmp.
new: 3
established: 300
closed: 0
emergency-new: 10
emergency-established: 10
emergency-closed: 0
new: 6
established: 100
closed: 12
emergency-new: 1
emergency-established: 5
emergency-closed: 2
new: 3
established: 30
emergency-new: 3
emergency-established: 10
new: 3
established: 30
emergency-new: 1
emergency-established: 10
# Stream engine settings. Here the TCP stream tracking and reassembly
# engine is configured.
# stream:
# memcap: 32mb # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb. Just a
# # number indicates it's in bytes.
# checksum-validation: yes # To validate the checksum of received
# # packet. If csum validation is specified as
# # "yes", then packet with invalid csum will not
# # be processed by the engine stream/app layer.
# # Warning: locally generated trafic can be
# # generated without checksum due to hardware offload
# # of checksum. You can control the handling of checksum
# # on a per-interface basis via the 'checksum-checks'
# # option
# prealloc-sessions: 2k # 2k sessions prealloc'd per stream thread
# midstream: false # don't allow midstream session pickups
# async-oneside: false # don't enable async stream handling
# inline: no # stream inline mode
# drop-invalid: yes # in inline mode, drop packets that are invalid with regards to streaming engine
# max-synack-queued: 5 # Max different SYN/ACKs to queue
# bypass: no # Bypass packets when stream.depth is reached
# reassembly:
# memcap: 64mb # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb. Just a number
# # indicates it's in bytes.
# depth: 1mb # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb. Just a number
# # indicates it's in bytes.
# toserver-chunk-size: 2560 # inspect raw stream in chunks of at least
# # this size. Can be specified in kb, mb,
# # gb. Just a number indicates it's in bytes.
# toclient-chunk-size: 2560 # inspect raw stream in chunks of at least
# # this size. Can be specified in kb, mb,
# # gb. Just a number indicates it's in bytes.
# randomize-chunk-size: yes # Take a random value for chunk size around the specified value.
# # This lower the risk of some evasion technics but could lead
# # detection change between runs. It is set to 'yes' by default.
# randomize-chunk-range: 10 # If randomize-chunk-size is active, the value of chunk-size is
# # a random value between (1 - randomize-chunk-range/100)*toserver-chunk-size
# # and (1 + randomize-chunk-range/100)*toserver-chunk-size and the same
# # calculation for toclient-chunk-size.
# # Default value of randomize-chunk-range is 10.
# raw: yes # 'Raw' reassembly enabled or disabled.
# # raw is for content inspection by detection
# # engine.
# segment-prealloc: 2048 # number of segments preallocated per thread
# check-overlap-different-data: true|false
# # check if a segment contains different data
# # than what we've already seen for that
# # position in the stream.
# # This is enabled automatically if inline mode
# # is used or when stream-event:reassembly_overlap_different_data;
# # is used in a rule.
memcap: 12gb
checksum-validation: no
prealloc-session: 1000000
inline: no # auto will use inline mode in IPS mode, yes or no set it statically
bypass: yes
midstream: true
memcap: 20gb
depth: 12mb
toserver-chunk-size: 2560
toclient-chunk-size: 2560
randomize-chunk-size: yes
chunk-prealloc: 303360
# Host table:
# Host table is used by tagging and per host thresholding subsystems.
hash-size: 4096
prealloc: 1000
memcap: 16777216
- profile: custom
- custom-values:
toclient-sp-groups: 200
toclient-dp-groups: 300
toserver-src-groups: 200
toserver-dst-groups: 400
toserver-sp-groups: 200
toserver-dp-groups: 250
- sgh-mpm-context: auto
- inspection-recursion-limit: 3000
# When rule-reload is enabled, sending a USR2 signal to the Suricata process
# will trigger a live rule reload. Experimental feature, use with care.
# - rule-reload: true
# Select the multi pattern algorithm you want to run for scan/search the
# in the engine.
# The supported algorithms are:
# "ac" - Aho-Corasick, default implementation
# "ac-bs" - Aho-Corasick, reduced memory implementation
# "ac-cuda" - Aho-Corasick, CUDA implementation
# "ac-ks" - Aho-Corasick, "Ken Steele" variant
# "hs" - Hyperscan, available when built with Hyperscan support
# The default mpm-algo value of "auto" will use "hs" if Hyperscan is
# available, "ac" otherwise.
# The mpm you choose also decides the distribution of mpm contexts for
# signature groups, specified by the conf - "detect.sgh-mpm-context".
# Selecting "ac" as the mpm would require "detect.sgh-mpm-context"
# to be set to "single", because of ac's memory requirements, unless the
# ruleset is small enough to fit in one's memory, in which case one can
# use "full" with "ac". Rest of the mpms can be run in "full" mode.
# There is also a CUDA pattern matcher (only available if Suricata was
# compiled with --enable-cuda: b2g_cuda. Make sure to update your
# max-pending-packets setting above as well if you use b2g_cuda.
mpm-algo: hs
# Select the matching algorithm you want to use for single-pattern searches.
# Supported algorithms are "bm" (Boyer-Moore) and "hs" (Hyperscan, only
# available if Suricata has been built with Hyperscan support).
# The default of "auto" will use "hs" if available, otherwise "bm".
spm-algo: hs
# Suricata is multi-threaded. Here the threading can be influenced.
set-cpu-affinity: yes
# Tune cpu affinity of threads. Each family of threads can be bound
# on specific CPUs.
# These 2 apply to the all runmodes:
# management-cpu-set is used for flow timeout handling, counters
# worker-cpu-set is used for 'worker' threads
# Additionally, for autofp these apply:
# receive-cpu-set is used for capture threads
# verdict-cpu-set is used for IPS verdict threads
- management-cpu-set:
cpu: [ 1,21 ] # include only these cpus in affinity settings
mode: "balanced"
default: "low"
- worker-cpu-set:
cpu: [ 5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39 ]
mode: "exclusive"
# Use explicitely 3 threads and don't compute number by using
# detect-thread-ratio variable:
# threads: 3
default: "high"
# By default Suricata creates one "detect" thread per available CPU/CPU core.
# This setting allows controlling this behaviour. A ratio setting of 2 will
# create 2 detect threads for each CPU/CPU core. So for a dual core CPU this
# will result in 4 detect threads. If values below 1 are used, less threads
# are created. So on a dual core CPU a setting of 0.5 results in 1 detect
# thread being created. Regardless of the setting at a minimum 1 detect
# thread will always be created.
detect-thread-ratio: 1.5
# Luajit has a strange memory requirement, it's 'states' need to be in the
# first 2G of the process' memory.
# 'luajit.states' is used to control how many states are preallocated.
# State use: per detect script: 1 per detect thread. Per output script: 1 per
# script.
states: 128
# Profiling settings. Only effective if Suricata has been built with the
# the --enable-profiling configure flag.
# Run profiling for every xth packet. The default is 1, which means we
# profile every packet. If set to 1000, one packet is profiled for every
# 1000 received.
#sample-rate: 1000
# rule profiling
# Profiling can be disabled here, but it will still have a
# performance impact if compiled in.
enabled: no
filename: rule_perf.log
append: yes
# Sort options: ticks, avgticks, checks, matches, maxticks
# If commented out all the sort options will be used.
sort: avgticks
# Limit the number of sids for which stats are shown at exit (per sort).
limit: 100
# output to json
json: yes
# packet profiling
# Profiling can be disabled here, but it will still have a
# performance impact if compiled in.
enabled: no
filename: packet_stats.log
append: yes
# The Host Buffer Allowance for all streams
# (-1 = OFF, 1 - 100 = percentage of the host buffer that can be held back)
# This may be enabled when sharing streams with another application.
# Otherwise, it should be turned off.
hba: -1
# use_all_streams set to "yes" will query the Napatech service for all configured
# streams and listen on all of them. When set to "no" the streams config array
# will be used.
use-all-streams: no
streams: [0-16]
## Include other configs
# Includes. Files included here will be handled as if they were
# inlined in this configuration file.
#include: include1.yaml
#include: include2.yaml