


Files » barnyard.64bit.diff

Patch for Barnyard 0.2.0 to work correctly on 64Bit systems. - Victor Julien, 04/18/2010 03:30 PM

View differences:

barnyard- 2007-08-11 23:22:53.000000000 -0400
typedef struct _SnortPktHeader
struct timeval ts; /* packet timestamp */
// struct timeval ts; /* packet timestamp */
struct pcap_timeval ts; /* packet timestamp */
u_int32_t caplen; /* packet capture length */
u_int32_t pktlen; /* packet "real" length */
} SnortPktHeader;
barnyard- 2007-08-12 00:13:44.000000000 -0400
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
struct pcap_timeval {
u_int32_t tv_sec; /* seconds */
u_int32_t tv_usec; /* microseconds */
typedef struct _Event
u_int32_t sig_generator; /* which part of snort generated the alert? */
u_int32_t event_reference; /* reference to other events that have gone off,
* such as in the case of tagged packets...
struct timeval ref_time; /* reference time for the event reference */
// struct timeval ref_time; /* reference time for the event reference */
struct pcap_timeval ref_time; /* reference time for the event reference */
} Event;
#endif /* __EVENT_H__ */
barnyard- 2007-08-11 23:24:25.000000000 -0400
typedef struct _UnifiedAlertRecord
Event event;
struct timeval ts; /* event timestamp */
// struct timeval ts; /* event timestamp */
struct pcap_timeval ts; /* event timestamp */
u_int32_t sip; /* src ip */
u_int32_t dip; /* dest ip */
u_int16_t sp; /* src port */
barnyard- 2007-08-12 00:14:52.000000000 -0400
static char tmpbuf[256];
int RenderTimeval(struct timeval *tv, char *timebuf, size_t len)
// int RenderTimeval(struct timeval *tv, char *timebuf, size_t len)
int RenderTimeval(struct pcap_timeval *tv, char *timebuf, size_t len)
struct tm *lt;
time_t timet;
barnyard- 2007-08-11 23:23:46.000000000 -0400
void ClearDumpBuf();
void GoDaemon();
size_t RenderTimestamp(time_t timet, char *timebuf, size_t len);
int RenderTimeval(struct timeval *tv, char *timebuf, size_t len);
// int RenderTimeval(struct timeval *tv, char *timebuf, size_t len);
int RenderTimeval(struct pcap_timeval *tv, char *timebuf, size_t len);
int CreatePidFile(char *filename);
int String2Long(char *string, long *result);
int String2ULong(char *string, unsigned long *result);