


Feature #412 » 0002-bug-412-Remove-the-commented-out-SigInitReal.patch

Anoop Saldanha, 02/03/2012 08:44 PM

View differences:

* \brief Parses a signature and assign a unique number from the Detection
* Engine Context. If the signature is bidirectional it should return
* two Signatures linked. Look if flag Bidirec is set and if the pointer
* sig->next is set (!= NULL).
* \param de_ctx Pointer to the Detection Engine Context
* \param sigstr Pointer to a character string containing the signature to be
* parsed
* \retval Pointer to the Signature instance on success; NULL on failure
//Signature *SigInitReal(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, char *sigstr) {
// Signature *sig = SigAlloc();
// uint32_t oldsignum = de_ctx->signum;
// if (sig == NULL)
// goto error;
// /* default gid to 1 */
// sig->gid = 1;
// if (SigParse(de_ctx, sig, sigstr, SIG_DIREC_NORMAL) < 0)
// goto error;
// /* signature priority hasn't been overwritten. Using default priority */
// if (sig->prio == -1)
// sig->prio = 3;
// /* assign an unique id in this de_ctx */
// sig->num = de_ctx->signum;
// de_ctx->signum++;
// SigMatch *sm;
// /* set mpm_content_len */
// /* determine the length of the longest pattern in the sig */
// if (sig->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_PMATCH] != NULL) {
// sig->mpm_content_maxlen = 0;
// for (sm = sig->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_PMATCH]; sm != NULL; sm = sm->next) {
// if (sm->type == DETECT_CONTENT) {
// DetectContentData *cd = (DetectContentData *)sm->ctx;
// if (cd == NULL)
// continue;
// if (sig->mpm_content_maxlen == 0)
// sig->mpm_content_maxlen = cd->content_len;
// if (sig->mpm_content_maxlen < cd->content_len)
// sig->mpm_content_maxlen = cd->content_len;
// }
// }
// }
// if (sig->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_UMATCH] != NULL) {
// sig->mpm_uricontent_maxlen = 0;
// for (sm = sig->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_UMATCH]; sm != NULL; sm = sm->next) {
// if (sm->type == DETECT_URICONTENT) {
// DetectContentData *ud = (DetectContentData *)sm->ctx;
// if (ud == NULL)
// continue;
// if (sig->mpm_uricontent_maxlen == 0)
// sig->mpm_uricontent_maxlen = ud->content_len;
// if (sig->mpm_uricontent_maxlen < ud->content_len)
// sig->mpm_uricontent_maxlen = ud->content_len;
// }
// }
// }
// if (sig->init_flags & SIG_FLAG_INIT_BIDIREC) {
// /* Allocate a copy of this signature with the addresses siwtched
// This copy will be installed at sig->next */
// sig->next = SigAlloc();
// sig->next->prio = sig->prio;
// sig->next->gid = sig->gid;
// if (sig->next == NULL)
// goto error;
// if (SigParse(de_ctx, sig->next, sigstr, SIG_DIREC_SWITCHED) < 0)
// goto error;
// /* assign an unique id in this de_ctx */
// sig->next->num = de_ctx->signum;
// de_ctx->signum++;
// /* set mpm_content_len */
// /* determine the length of the longest pattern in the sig */
// if (sig->next->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_PMATCH] != NULL) {
// sig->next->mpm_content_maxlen = 0;
// SigMatch *sm;
// for (sm = sig->next->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_PMATCH]; sm != NULL; sm = sm->next) {
// if (sm->type == DETECT_CONTENT) {
// DetectContentData *cd = (DetectContentData *)sm->ctx;
// if (cd == NULL)
// continue;
// if (sig->next->mpm_content_maxlen == 0)
// sig->next->mpm_content_maxlen = cd->content_len;
// if (sig->next->mpm_content_maxlen < cd->content_len)
// sig->next->mpm_content_maxlen = cd->content_len;
// }
// }
// }
// if (sig->next->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_UMATCH] != NULL) {
// sig->next->mpm_uricontent_maxlen = 0;
// for (sm = sig->next->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_UMATCH]; sm != NULL; sm = sm->next) {
// if (sm->type == DETECT_URICONTENT) {
// DetectContentData *ud = (DetectContentData *)sm->ctx;
// if (ud == NULL)
// continue;
// if (sig->next->mpm_uricontent_maxlen == 0)
// sig->next->mpm_uricontent_maxlen = ud->content_len;
// if (sig->next->mpm_uricontent_maxlen < ud->content_len)
// sig->next->mpm_uricontent_maxlen = ud->content_len;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// /* set the packet and app layer flags, but only if the
// * app layer flag wasn't already set in which case we
// * only consider the app layer */
// if (!(sig->flags & SIG_FLAG_APPLAYER)) {
// if (sig->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_MATCH] != NULL) {
// SigMatch *sm = sig->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_MATCH];
// for ( ; sm != NULL; sm = sm->next) {
// if (sigmatch_table[sm->type].AppLayerMatch != NULL)
// sig->flags |= SIG_FLAG_APPLAYER;
// if (sigmatch_table[sm->type].Match != NULL)
// sig->init_flags |= SIG_FLAG_INIT_PACKET;
// }
// } else {
// sig->init_flags |= SIG_FLAG_INIT_PACKET;
// }
// }
// if (sig->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_UMATCH])
// sig->flags |= SIG_FLAG_STATE_MATCH;
// if (sig->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_DMATCH])
// sig->flags |= SIG_FLAG_STATE_MATCH;
// if (sig->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_AMATCH])
// sig->flags |= SIG_FLAG_STATE_MATCH;
// if (sig->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_HCBDMATCH])
// sig->flags |= SIG_FLAG_STATE_MATCH;
// if (sig->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_HSBDMATCH])
// sig->flags |= SIG_FLAG_STATE_MATCH;
// if (sig->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_HHDMATCH])
// sig->flags |= SIG_FLAG_STATE_MATCH;
// if (sig->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_HRHDMATCH])
// sig->flags |= SIG_FLAG_STATE_MATCH;
// if (sig->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_HMDMATCH])
// sig->flags |= SIG_FLAG_STATE_MATCH;
// if (sig->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_HCDMATCH])
// sig->flags |= SIG_FLAG_STATE_MATCH;
// if (sig->sm_lists[DETECT_SM_LIST_FILEMATCH])
// sig->flags |= SIG_FLAG_STATE_MATCH;
// if (!(sig->init_flags & SIG_FLAG_INIT_FLOW)) {
// sig->flags |= SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER;
// sig->flags |= SIG_FLAG_TOCLIENT;
// }
// SigBuildAddressMatchArray(sig);
// SCLogDebug("sig %"PRIu32" SIG_FLAG_APPLAYER: %s, SIG_FLAG_PACKET: %s",
// sig->id, sig->flags & SIG_FLAG_APPLAYER ? "set" : "not set",
// sig->init_flags & SIG_FLAG_INIT_PACKET ? "set" : "not set");
// /* validate signature, SigValidate will report the error reason */
// if (SigValidate(sig) == 0) {
// goto error;
// }
// /**
// * In SigInitReal, the signature returned will point from the ptr next
// * to the cloned signatures with the switched addresses if it has
// * the bidirectional operator set
// */
// return sig;
// if (sig != NULL) {
// if (sig->next != NULL) {
// SigFree(sig->next);
// }
// SigFree(sig);
// }
// /* if something failed, restore the old signum count
// * since we didn't install it */
// de_ctx->signum = oldsignum;
// return NULL;
* \brief The hash free function to be the used by the hash table -
* DetectEngineCtx->dup_sig_hash_table.