Bug #1271
closedCreating core dump with dropped privileges
I'm not sure if it's a bug or just a normal behaviour, but if i use another user for suricata (suri:suri for example) instead of root, i get
10/9/2014 -- 10:41:07 - <Info> - Core dump size is unlimited. 10/9/2014 -- 10:41:07 - <Info> - dropped the caps for main thread
So i guess with dropping the caps it looses the possibility to create a coredump. When i use root as user, it works.
Updated by Peter Manev over 10 years ago
Can you confirm that this is not related to permissions?
Example - the user "suricata" has no permissions to write in the coredump directory defined in suricata.yaml?
Updated by Andreas Herz over 10 years ago
Peter Manev wrote:
Can you confirm that this is not related to permissions?
Example - the user "suricata" has no permissions to write in the coredump directory defined in suricata.yaml?
How can i set the dir in the .yaml? couldn't find any documentation related to this.
I have the following in /etc/sysctl.conf and loaded it (for testing purpose):
kernel.core_pattern = /var/log/suricata/core_%e_%p_%s_%t
Since the folder is owned by suricata and it can write the logfiles (fast.log etc.) i doubt a permission issue.
Updated by Peter Manev over 10 years ago
# Daemon working directory
section in suricata.yaml
Updated by Andreas Herz over 10 years ago
Nothing defined, since it's not run in -D mode :)
Config is found here: http://paste.geekosphere.org/ZqatQTf8XLm6dRya (except that for the cap test the user part is changed from root to suricata and group as well)
Updated by Andreas Herz over 10 years ago
Not sure if it's directly related but i have the same issue with the pidfile.
suricata -c /etc/suricata/suricata-eth4.conf -q 0 --pidfile /tmp/suricata-eth4.pid
When i have user "root" in the .conf i get the pid file created and deleted after suricata quits.
When i have another user like "suricata" i get the pid file created but not deleted after suricata quits.
I start suricata as "root" user in the shell (or via script), so i let suricata drop the privileges.
Updated by Andreas Herz over 10 years ago
drwxrwxrwt 3 root root 27K Nov 6 09:12 tmp
Updated by Peter Manev over 10 years ago
Is that the case only when you use " -q 0 " ?
Updated by Andreas Herz over 10 years ago
Also with just "-i ethX" the pidfile is not deleted. In "-D" mode i can't say it for sure, since sending "kill -s TERM" is resulting in "Signal Received. Stopping engine." but doesn't stop suricata, it keeps running.
Updated by Peter Manev over 10 years ago
For testing coredump - can you try:
sudo kill -n ABRT `pidof suricata`
instead of kill -s TERM
On a separate note.
If there is no traffic coming on to the listening interface Suricata will not exit - as you describe. Can you confirm this is the case - when you stop Suricata there is no traffic on the interface?
Updated by Andreas Herz over 10 years ago
Using ABRT results in suricata being stopped but no coredump file and the pidfile not removed.
I tested it with and without traffic, behaviour didn't change.
If i start suricata without "-D" like this:
/usr/sbin/suricata -c /etc/suricata/suricata-eth4.conf -i eth4 --pidfile /tmp/suricata-test.pid
And after engine is started and i press CTRL+c i'm also stuck at the signal received/stopping engine part, even as root:root without dropping privileges.
Updated by Peter Manev over 10 years ago
I can confirm that actually (for 2.1beta2) - when running as a user - I can not get it to get a coredump.
Updated by Andreas Herz about 9 years ago
- Assignee set to Andreas Herz
- Target version set to TBD
Updated by Andreas Herz about 9 years ago
And still an issue with 3.0 as well btw
Updated by Elazar Broad almost 7 years ago
Possible solution: https://github.com/OISF/suricata/pull/3362
Updated by Andreas Herz over 6 years ago
- Assignee changed from Andreas Herz to Anonymous
Updated by Andreas Herz over 5 years ago
There is some new discussion on this, see the linked PR
Updated by Victor Julien over 5 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee changed from Community Ticket to Jason Ish
- Priority changed from Low to Normal
- Target version changed from TBD to 5.0rc1