



Feature #1658


Docs: Add Installation Guides to the Sphinx Documentation

Added by Jason Ish about 9 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Target version:


As part of the initial conversion of the user guide to Sphinx documentation (see: the installation guides have been left out.

We should add some installation guides that aren't expected to change much during the life of the release. These could be:

- Generic ./configure installation instructions.
- CentOS installation instructions.
- Ubuntu LTS installation instructions.

Other installation instructions that is likely to need updating during the life of a release for reasons beyond our control should be kept on the wiki.

Actions #1

Updated by Andreas Herz about 9 years ago

Since we have a small mess with some really outdated or "bad" installations i would also suggest to improve those section completely when we divide it into general instructions and specific installatin.

Actions #2

Updated by Andreas Herz about 9 years ago

  • Assignee set to OISF Dev
Actions #3

Updated by Jason Ish about 9 years ago

I'd say improving or fixing bad install docs on wiki should take priority over getting install docs into the new user manual.

This is something that should probably be reviewed for 3.0.. At least break it into sections - known working, and old docs that may or may not work for you perhaps?

Actions #4

Updated by Peter Manev about 9 years ago

I agree with Jason here.
It would not be that tough to go over the install docs and confirm/fix those.

Actions #5

Updated by Victor Julien about 9 years ago

Same for specific Debian releases like Jessie.

Actions #7

Updated by Jason Ish over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Marking as closed.

I think we discussed in various formats having basic installation documentation in the Sphinx docs, but also keeping it on the Wiki as we can update the Wiki without pushing code should we need to update the install docs for a specific distribution. That appears to what we have now. The Sphinx docs even links to the Wiki docs for advanced/other operating systems.


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