Feature #394
closedStateful detection for http_stat_msg and code
Introduce the above feature.
Updated by Victor Julien about 13 years ago
- Target version changed from 1.2rc1 to 1.3beta2
Updated by Victor Julien about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Target version changed from 1.3beta2 to 1.3beta1
- Estimated time set to 6.00 h
Can you check the pcre operators as well, including relative matching and such?
Updated by Anoop Saldanha about 13 years ago
Victor Julien wrote:
Can you check the pcre operators as well, including relative matching and such?
Yes. By the end of it, we will have 2 inspection enginges for stat msg and code, just like how we have for the rest. We will support any/all of the content inspection keywords for these, as well as fast pattern.
Updated by Anoop Saldanha about 13 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved