



Bug #4016


filesize with filestore store empty files

Added by pepe llopis over 4 years ago. Updated 8 months ago.

Target version:
Affected Versions:
Needs Suricata-Verify test



I have configured suricata with the following filestore options:

- file-store:
      version: 2
      enabled: yes
      dir: filestore
      write-fileinfo: yes
      force-hash: [sha1, md5]

And I have added the following rule to store ZIP files when the file size is smaller than 3 MB:

alert http any any -> any any (msg:"ZIP < 3MB filestore"; fileext:"zip"; filesize:<3MB; filestore; sid:5; rev:1;)

When i test it with a pcap, the rule generate an alert and file info and file are stored:
# ls -ltrh filestore/7a/7a523db62d17643f7ea0839928fc7891a821471b799acd98f5361cb96476f36b*
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 947 oct  6 18:20 filestore/7a/7a523db62d17643f7ea0839928fc7891a821471b799acd98f5361cb96476f36b.1598688683.1.json
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root   0 oct  6 18:20 filestore/7a/7a523db62d17643f7ea0839928fc7891a821471b799acd98f5361cb96476f36b

But.. the file is empty, as you can see in the previous size..

If i delete filesize keyword from the rule, and test it again, the file is stored correctly:

# ls -ltrh filestore/7a/7a523db62d17643f7ea0839928fc7891a821471b799acd98f5361cb96476f36b*
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  946 oct  6 18:23 filestore/7a/7a523db62d17643f7ea0839928fc7891a821471b799acd98f5361cb96476f36b.1598688683.1.json
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 100K oct  6 18:23 filestore/7a/7a523db62d17643f7ea0839928fc7891a821471b799acd98f5361cb96476f36b

How can i correct this issue?
There is some feature i have to enable with filesize keyword?
Is it a bug?

thanks a lote for your help!

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Suricata - Bug #5868: filestore: not saving files when filestore enabled by rule matching on file_data (instead saves 0 bytes)ClosedJeff LucovskyActions
Actions #1

Updated by pepe llopis over 4 years ago

pepe llopis wrote:


I have configured suricata with the following filestore options:

- file-store:
version: 2
enabled: yes
dir: filestore
write-fileinfo: yes
force-hash: [sha1, md5]

And I have added the following rule to store ZIP files when the file size is smaller than 3 MB:

alert http any any -> any any (msg:"ZIP < 3MB filestore"; fileext:"zip"; filesize:<3MB; filestore; sid:5; rev:1;)

When i test it with a pcap, the rule generate an alert and file info and file are stored:

  1. ls ltrh filestore/7a/7a523db62d17643f7ea0839928fc7891a821471b799acd98f5361cb96476f36b*
    . 1 root root 947 oct 6 18:20 filestore/7a/7a523db62d17643f7ea0839928fc7891a821471b799acd98f5361cb96476f36b.1598688683.1.json
    rw-r--r-. 1 root root 0 oct 6 18:20 filestore/7a/7a523db62d17643f7ea0839928fc7891a821471b799acd98f5361cb96476f36b

But.. the file is empty, as you can see in the previous size..

If i delete filesize keyword from the rule, and test it again, the file is stored correctly:

  1. ls ltrh filestore/7a/7a523db62d17643f7ea0839928fc7891a821471b799acd98f5361cb96476f36b*
    . 1 root root 946 oct 6 18:23 filestore/7a/7a523db62d17643f7ea0839928fc7891a821471b799acd98f5361cb96476f36b.1598688683.1.json
    rw-r--r-. 1 root root 100K oct 6 18:23 filestore/7a/7a523db62d17643f7ea0839928fc7891a821471b799acd98f5361cb96476f36b

How can i correct this issue?
There is some feature i have to enable with filesize keyword?
Is it a bug?

thanks a lote for your help!

Nobody has this problem? :S

Actions #2

Updated by Andreas Herz over 1 year ago

  • Related to Bug #5868: filestore: not saving files when filestore enabled by rule matching on file_data (instead saves 0 bytes) added
Actions #3

Updated by Andreas Herz over 1 year ago

Sorry for the late response, but we got another issue that sounds like the same as yours. Can you retest with Suricata 7.0 RC1 for example?
Also can you share a pcap with your case so we could reproduce it?

Actions #4

Updated by Victor Julien over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #5

Updated by Philippe Antoine 8 months ago

  • Target version set to TBD
Actions #6

Updated by Philippe Antoine 8 months ago

  • Assignee set to Community Ticket
  • Label Needs Suricata-Verify test added

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