Bug #579
closedPCRE_JIT fails on windows - Suricata 1.3.2 - falls back to regular PCRE handling
3/10/2012 -- 21:32:44 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_PCRE_STUDY(6)] - PCRE JIT c ompiler does not support: "/menu=\s*(ftps?|https?|php)\:\//Ui". Falling back to regular PCRE handling (C:\Program Files\Suricata 1.3.2\rules\emerging-web_specif ic_apps.rules:20662) 3/10/2012 -- 21:32:44 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_PCRE_STUDY(6)] - PCRE JIT c ompiler does not support: "/topic\_title\x3d.+(s(cript|tyle\x3D)|on(mouse[a-z]|k ey[a-z]|load|unload|dragdrop|blur|focus|click|dblclick|submit|reset|select|chang e))/Ui". Falling back to regular PCRE handling (C:\Program Files\Suricata 1.3.2\ rules\emerging-web_specific_apps.rules:20665) 3/10/2012 -- 21:32:44 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_PCRE_STUDY(6)] - PCRE JIT c ompiler does not support: "/attributeToSelect\x3d.+(s(cript|tyle\x3D)|on(mouse[a -z]|key[a-z]|load|unload|dragdrop|blur|focus|click|dblclick|submit|reset|select| change))/Ui". Falling back to regular PCRE handling (C:\Program Files\Suricata 1 .3.2\rules\emerging-web_specific_apps.rules:20671) 3/10/2012 -- 21:32:44 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_PCRE_STUDY(6)] - PCRE JIT c ompiler does not support: "/img\_url\x3d.+(s(cript|tyle\x3D)|on(mouse[a-z]|key[a -z]|load|unload|dragdrop|blur|focus|click|dblclick|submit|reset|select|change))/ Ui". Falling back to regular PCRE handling (C:\Program Files\Suricata 1.3.2\rule s\emerging-web_specific_apps.rules:20683) 3/10/2012 -- 21:32:44 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_PCRE_STUDY(6)] - PCRE JIT c ompiler does not support: "/skin\x3d.+(s(cript|tyle\x3D)|on(mouse[a-z]|key[a-z]| load|unload|dragdrop|blur|focus|click|dblclick|submit|reset|select|change))/Ui". Falling back to regular PCRE handling (C:\Program Files\Suricata 1.3.2\rules\em erging-web_specific_apps.rules:20686) 3/10/2012 -- 21:32:44 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_PCRE_STUDY(6)] - PCRE JIT c ompiler does not support: "/page\x3d.+(s(cript|tyle\x3D)|on(mouse[a-z]|key[a-z]| load|unload|dragdrop|blur|focus|click|dblclick|submit|reset|select|change))/Ui". Falling back to regular PCRE handling (C:\Program Files\Suricata 1.3.2\rules\em erging-web_specific_apps.rules:20689) 3/10/2012 -- 21:32:44 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_PCRE_STUDY(6)] - PCRE JIT c ompiler does not support: "/action\x3d.+(s(cript|tyle\x3D)|on(mouse[a-z]|key[a-z ]|load|unload|dragdrop|blur|focus|click|dblclick|submit|reset|select|change))/Ui ". Falling back to regular PCRE handling (C:\Program Files\Suricata 1.3.2\rules\ emerging-web_specific_apps.rules:20692) 3/10/2012 -- 21:32:44 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_PCRE_STUDY(6)] - PCRE JIT c ompiler does not support: "/articleID\x3d.+(s(cript|tyle\x3D)|on(mouse[a-z]|key[ a-z]|load|unload|dragdrop|blur|focus|click|dblclick|submit|reset|select|change)) /Ui". Falling back to regular PCRE handling (C:\Program Files\Suricata 1.3.2\rul es\emerging-web_specific_apps.rules:20704) 3/10/2012 -- 21:32:44 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_PCRE_STUDY(6)] - PCRE JIT c ompiler does not support: "/uid\x3d.+(s(cript|tyle\x3D)|on(mouse[a-z]|key[a-z]|l oad|unload|dragdrop|blur|focus|click|dblclick|submit|reset|select|change))/Ui". Falling back to regular PCRE handling (C:\Program Files\Suricata 1.3.2\rules\eme rging-web_specific_apps.rules:20707) 3/10/2012 -- 21:32:44 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_PCRE_STUDY(6)] - PCRE JIT c ompiler does not support: "/IP=\s*(ftps?|https?|php)\:\//Ui". Falling back to re gular PCRE handling (C:\Program Files\Suricata 1.3.2\rules\emerging-web_specific _apps.rules:20710) 3/10/2012 -- 21:32:44 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_PCRE_STUDY(6)] - PCRE JIT c ompiler does not support: "/IP=\s*(ftps?|https?|php)\:\//Ui". Falling back to re gular PCRE handling (C:\Program Files\Suricata 1.3.2\rules\emerging-web_specific _apps.rules:20713) 3/10/2012 -- 21:32:44 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_PCRE_STUDY(6)] - PCRE JIT c ompiler does not support: "/wgDekiPluginPath=\s*(ftps?|https?|php)\:\//Ui". Fall ing back to regular PCRE handling (C:\Program Files\Suricata 1.3.2\rules\emergin g-web_specific_apps.rules:20716) 3/10/2012 -- 21:32:44 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_PCRE_STUDY(6)] - PCRE JIT c ompiler does not support: "/PASS\s.*?\x0d\x0aNICK\s.*?\x0d\x0aUSER\s.*?\s\d\s\d\ s\:\S/im". Falling back to regular PCRE handling (C:\Program Files\Suricata 1.3. 2\rules\emerging-worm.rules:42) 3/10/2012 -- 21:32:44 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_PCRE_STUDY(6)] - PCRE JIT c ompiler does not support: "/Host\x3a ([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}/H". Falling bac k to regular PCRE handling (C:\Program Files\Suricata 1.3.2\rules\emerging-worm. rules:174) 3/10/2012 -- 21:32:45 - <Info> - 49 rule files processed. 12408 rules succesfull y loaded, 0 rules failed 3/10/2012 -- 21:32:54 - <Info> - 12416 signatures processed. 728 are IP-only rul es, 3825 are inspecting packet payload, 9340 inspect application layer, 74 are d ecoder event only 3/10/2012 -- 21:32:54 - <Info> - building signature grouping structure, stage 1: adding signatures to signature source addresses... complete 3/10/2012 -- 21:32:54 - <Info> - building signature grouping structure, stage 2: building source address list... complete 3/10/2012 -- 21:32:56 - <Info> - building signature grouping structure, stage 3: building destination address lists... complete
Updated by Peter Manev over 12 years ago
it is only 1.3.2 that has that problem on Windows
Updated by Victor Julien over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee set to Victor Julien
- Target version set to 1.3.3
Updated by Peter Manev over 12 years ago
1.4beta2 - has the same problem on windows.
thank you
Updated by Victor Julien over 12 years ago
Looking at the diff between 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 nothing changed that should affect this, are you sure this isn't caused by a change on the system?
Updated by Peter Manev over 12 years ago
I am testing on the same systems (windows-wise) - but will have a look at it - to see if something comes up.
Updated by Giuseppe Longo over 12 years ago
1.4beta2 has the same problem on debian, i'll check 1.3.2 version.
Updated by Giuseppe Longo over 12 years ago
I'm using the 8.31 version.
However, i forgot to tell that i'm compiling it on ARM platform. On x86 platform, i've installed libpcre via apt-get and suricata just works fine.
Updated by Victor Julien over 12 years ago
Thanks for the update. To me it sounds more like a ARM bug/missing implementation, maybe you can report it to the libpcre project.
Wrt to this ticket, I think I will just remove the warning. The warning does not indicate a loss of functionality, just that it falls back to a lower performance mode.
Updated by Victor Julien over 12 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Removed the warning.