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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
6177 Suricata Bug Assigned Normal detect-engine: stream match for rules is interdependent Victor Julien 06/27/2023 09:33 AM Actions
6176 Suricata Bug New Normal Multi-tenancy: Tenant selector to tenant ID mapping is o(n) OISF Dev 06/26/2023 08:16 PM Actions
6173 Suricata Bug New Normal http: loss of backward compatibility in HTTP logs from v6 to v7 OISF Dev 07/07/2023 02:41 AM Actions
6167 Suricata Feature New Normal Stream retransmissions stats counters OISF Dev 07/13/2023 09:59 PM Actions
6161 Suricata Bug Assigned Normal file-store: missing hash on TRUNCATED files Andreas Herz 06/20/2023 10:23 AM Actions
6160 Suricata Optimization Assigned Normal filestore: decide on the impact of eve output over the global filestore settings Andreas Herz 06/20/2023 10:21 AM Actions
6154 Suricata Bug New Normal Conditional pcap-log fails to log packets for some alerts when using “pcap-file-continuous” flag OISF Dev 06/19/2023 07:56 AM Actions
6150 Suricata Documentation Assigned Low doc: improve the file-store documentation for the eve output and the dedicated section Andreas Herz 06/15/2023 07:29 AM Actions
6142 Suricata Optimization New Normal detect/lua: convert convoluted unittests to suricata-verify ones Community Ticket 09/22/2024 04:51 PM Actions
6133 Suricata Documentation New Normal tracking: security deployment documentation OISF Dev 06/15/2023 03:49 PM Actions
6131 Suricata-Update Feature New Normal threshold.conf: reconcile current threshold.conf with current state of rules Jason Ish 06/08/2023 05:00 PM Actions
6126 Suricata Optimization New Normal compiling with outdated cbindgen does not have a corresponding err msg OISF Dev 06/22/2023 10:51 AM Actions
6114 Suricata Feature Assigned Normal dpdk: wrap DPDK logs in a Suricata logger Lukas Sismis 07/11/2023 10:52 AM Actions
6112 Suricata Feature New Normal suricata-verify: add a "fail: true" check for tests expected to fail OISF Dev 06/02/2023 07:24 PM Actions
6110 Suricata Bug New Normal Bad Checksum 0xffff - ICMPv4 & ICMPv6 OISF Dev 06/01/2023 03:45 PM Actions
6102 Suricata Feature New Normal Translate NAT64 ranges (also custom ranges) OISF Dev 05/30/2023 01:41 PM Actions
6101 Suricata Feature New Normal icap: app-layer protocol support OISF Dev 05/30/2023 11:44 AM Actions
6098 Suricata Documentation New Normal eve/dns: generate example dns output Jason Ish 05/26/2023 07:46 PM Actions
6097 Suricata Documentation New Normal eve/dhcp: generate example dhcp output Jason Ish 05/26/2023 07:46 PM Actions
6096 Suricata Documentation New Normal eve/app-layer: generate example eve-log for each protocol OISF Dev 05/26/2023 07:46 PM Actions
6091 Suricata Feature New Normal eve/alert: missing dhcp metadata OISF Dev 05/21/2024 08:47 PM Actions
6088 Suricata Bug New Normal xdp/ebpf: updated shipped bpf files to be supported by libbpf v1.0 and higher OISF Dev 05/25/2023 07:05 AM Actions
6078 Suricata Documentation New Normal eve/schema: document pgsql Juliana Fajardini Reichow 12/14/2023 02:50 PM Actions
6077 Suricata Documentation New Normal eve/schema: document sip Jason Ish 05/19/2023 08:23 AM Actions
6075 Suricata Documentation New Normal eve/schema: document http Philippe Antoine 05/19/2023 08:22 AM Actions
(526-550/1486) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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