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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
7251 Suricata Optimization Assigned Normal dcerpc: mimic gap behavior if invalid data is sent to protocol parser Shivani Bhardwaj 09/10/2024 07:50 AM Actions
7250 Suricata Bug New Normal tls version match can have incorrect behaviour OISF Dev 09/09/2024 04:33 PM Actions
7245 Suricata Feature In Progress Normal Add SIMD support for arm64 OISF Dev 09/06/2024 10:38 PM Actions
7244 Suricata Documentation New Normal userguide: explain multi-tenant default config Community Ticket 09/06/2024 08:05 PM Actions
7243 Suricata Feature In Progress Normal lua: expose dataset functions Victor Julien 09/06/2024 02:20 PM Actions
7240 Suricata Feature In Progress Normal libsuricata: use provided threads and packets Jason Ish 09/03/2024 05:50 PM Actions
7238 Suricata Bug Assigned Normal applayer: protocol flows are miscounted in case of error Shivani Bhardwaj 09/05/2024 05:37 AM Actions
7237 Suricata Documentation New Normal userguide: default's to latest development branch instead of latest release tag OISF Dev 08/30/2024 08:51 PM Actions
7236 Suricata Bug New High plugins: custom transaction loggers cannot be registered by a plugin Jason Ish 10/23/2024 10:51 PM Actions
7234 Suricata Task New Normal syslog: remove standalone syslog output OISF Dev 08/29/2024 02:49 PM Actions
7233 Suricata Task New Normal tls-log: remove (deprecated in Suricata 8) OISF Dev 08/29/2024 02:37 PM Actions
7232 Suricata Task New Normal http-log: remove OISF Dev 08/29/2024 02:32 PM Actions
7231 Suricata Feature In Review Normal ndpi: augment flows/alerts with ndpi metadata and extend signature keywords Alfredo Cardigliano 08/29/2024 03:04 PM Actions
7228 Suricata Bug In Review Normal dns: no data logged, and no events with udp corrupt additional record Jason Ish 09/10/2024 01:33 PM Actions
7223 Suricata Documentation New Normal document 'stream-event' keyword OISF Dev 08/26/2024 08:36 PM Actions
7222 Suricata Documentation New Normal userguide: document decoder events Community Ticket 08/27/2024 01:01 PM Actions
7221 Suricata Feature New Normal Sanity checking on IP network prefix base addresses OISF Dev 08/26/2024 09:49 AM Actions
7220 Suricata Documentation New Normal guides: add a post on using 'ip' and 'tcpdump' to Suricata forum's Guides Community Ticket 08/23/2024 05:38 PM Actions
7217 Suricata Documentation New Normal userguide: add config section on reading pcap-files OISF Dev 08/16/2024 06:15 PM Actions
7216 Suricata Bug New Normal drop_reason counters don't support tunneled connections OISF Dev 10/28/2024 12:54 PM Actions
7212 Suricata Bug New Normal strtoul: replace with ByteExtractString variant Community Ticket 09/24/2024 03:58 PM Actions
7211 Suricata Feature New Normal detect/integers: support a count argument for array of integers Philippe Antoine 08/14/2024 11:35 AM Actions
7208 Suricata Optimization Resolved Normal tcp/reassemble: GetBlock takes O(nlgn) in worst case chris tang 10/28/2024 02:28 PM Actions
7205 Suricata Optimization New Normal detect: prefilter for app-layer events OISF Dev 08/12/2024 09:54 AM Actions
7201 Suricata Bug New High Thread 178 "W#21-84:00.0" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. OISF Dev 08/08/2024 01:41 PM Actions
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