Bug #1961
Updated by Victor Julien about 8 years ago
Commented added to issue 1889 by Francis Trudeau: > This rule: <pre> > > alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:"ET semicolon test"; flow:established,to_server; content:"Microsoft Office|20|"; http_header; depth:17 classtype:trojan-activity; sid:3031; rev:1; </pre> > > Does not error on missing semicolon in 3.1.3 or latest git (bbb93e4): <pre> > > testids/suricata-3.1.3/src/suricata c /etc/suricata/suricata.2.custom.yaml -r test.pcap > 23/11/2016 - 16:24:33 - <Notice> - This is Suricata version 3.1.3 RELEASE > 23/11/2016 -- 16:24:33 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_CONF_YAML_ERROR(242)] - Please use 'tls-store' in YAML to configure TLS storage > 23/11/2016 -- 16:24:33 - <Notice> - all 1 packet processing threads, 4 management threads initialized, engine >started. > 23/11/2016 -- 16:24:33 - <Notice> - Signal Received. Stopping engine. > 23/11/2016 -- 16:24:33 - <Notice> - Pcap-file module read 379 packets, 316082 bytes > > testids/suricata-git//src/suricata c /etc/suricata/suricata.3.2.custom.yaml -r test.pcap > [13247] 23/11/2016 - 16:27:34 - (suricata.c:1007) <Notice> (SCPrintVersion) -- This is Suricata version 3.2dev (rev bbb93e4) > [13261] 23/11/2016 -- 16:27:34 - (log-pcap.c:680) <Notice> (PcapLogInitRingBuffer) -- Ring buffer initialized with 3 files. > [13247] 23/11/2016 -- 16:27:34 - (tm-threads.c:2098) <Notice> (TmThreadWaitOnThreadInit) -- all 1 packet processing threads, 4 management threads initialized, engine started. > [13247] 23/11/2016 -- 16:27:34 - (suricata.c:2630) <Notice> (main) -- Signal Received. Stopping engine. > [13261] 23/11/2016 -- 16:27:34 - (source-pcap-file.c:388) <Notice> (ReceivePcapFileThreadExitStats) -- Pcap-file module read 379 packets, 316082 bytes </pre>