This documentation is no longer maintained and exists for historical purposes. The current documentation is located at
Adding Your Own Rules¶
If you would like to create a rule yourself and use it with Suricata, this guide might be helpful.
Start creating a file for your rule. Type for example the following in your console:
sudo nano local.rules
Write your rule, see Suricata Rules and save it.
Open yaml
sudo nano /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml
and make sure your local.rules file is added to the list of rules.
Now, run Suricata and see if your rule is being loaded.
suricata -c /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml -i wlan0
If your rule failed to load, check if you have made a mistake anywhere in the rule. Mind the details; look for mistakes in special characters, spaces, capital characters etc.
Next, check if your log-files are enabled in suricata.yaml.
If you had to correct your rule and/or modify yaml, you have to restart Suricata.
If you see your rule is successfully loaded, you can double check your rule by doing something that should trigger it.
tail -f /var/log/suricata/fast.log
If you would make a rule like this:
alert http any any -> any any (msg:"Do not read gossip during work"; content:"Scarlett"; nocase; classtype:policy-violation; sid:1; rev:1;)
Your alert should look like this:
09/15/2011-16:50:27.725288 [**] [1:1:1] Do not read gossip during work [**] [Classification: Potential Corporate Privacy Violation] [Priority: 1] {TCP} ->