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Script FollowJSON

BEFORE you run the script - make sure you have set up suricata.yaml and your database correctly !!


1. make sure json-log is enabled
2. and append is set to yes
3. optionally - you have compilled in Suricata with MD5's enabled
MD5's are enabled and forced in the suricata yaml config ( MD5 )
bottom of the page "Log all MD5s without any rules" .

- file-log:
    enabled: yes
    filename: files-json.log
    append: yes
    #filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'
    force-magic: yes   # force logging magic on all logged files
    force-md5: yes     # force logging of md5 checksums

Append is set to yes - this is very important if you "follow" , json.log - if you use the tool to constantly parse and insert logs from files-json.log as they are being written onto the log file.

There is a python script (in BETA now and) available here:
that you can use for helping out in importing files-json.log entries into a MSQL or PostgreSQL database.

The script would allow you to do the following:

it contains 2 files
one python executable
one yaml config file

This is what the script does:
1. Multi-threaded - spawns multiple processes if itself
2. uses yaml as configuration

3. Can:
3.1 Read files-json.log file
3.1.1 - Continuously - as logs are being written in the log file
3.1.2 - mass import a stand alone files-json.log into a database

3.2 Into (your choice)
3.2.1 MySQL DB (locally/remotely,ip)
3.2.2 PostgreSQL DB (locally/remotely,ip)

4. Customizable number of processes (default is number of cores - if you have more then 16 - suggested value is NumCores/2)
5. Customizable "chunk" lines to read at once by every process - suggested (default) value is 10 (16 cores = 16 processes * 10 = 160 entries per second)

Please look into the configurational yaml file for more information.

The script is in BETA state - it has been tested , it works - but still, you should test it and adjust the configuration accordingly and run it on your test environment first before you put it in production.

After you have made:
  1. your choices of database type (MySQL or PostgreSQL and installed/configured tables for it),
  2. created the appropriate database structure and tables (explained in the next tutorial(s) ),
  3. adjusted the yaml configuration accordingly,
  4. started Suricata,

you would need:

sudo apt-get install python-yaml python-mysqldb python-psycopg2

Then you just run the script, after you have started Suricata:

sudo python

if you would like to execute the script in the background:

sudo python &

Peter Manev
