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Useful queries - for MySQL and PostgreSQL

General Purpose and Useful Queries (MySQL - 99% the same for PostgreSQL) for the files-json.log databases and tables:

mysql>select srcip,http_host,count(*) as total from filejson where magic like "%PDF document%" group by srcip,http_host order by total DESC limit 10;

above top 10 source ip from which PDF's where downloaded
change srcip with dstip to get top 10 IPs downloading PDFs
mysql>select srcip,http_host,count(*) as total from filejson where magic like "%executable%" group by srcip,http_host order by total DESC limit 10;

above top 10 source ip from which executables where downloaded from,
change srcip with dstip to get top 10 IPs downloading executables
mysql> SELECT srcip,http_host,count(*) AS Total , (COUNT(*) / (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM filejson where magic like "%executable%")) * 100 AS 'Percentage to all items'  FROM filejson WHERE magic like "%executable%" GROUP BY srcip,http_host order by total DESC limit 10;

| srcip          | http_host            | Total | Percentage to all items |
|    | |   225 |                  9.1167 |

This would give you a sorted table depicting source ip and host name, number of executable downloads from that host/source ip and what percentage is that of the total executable downloads.
Note: the term executable means - dll, exe, com, msi, java ... and so on , NOT just .exe files

mysql>select count(magic) as totalPDF from filejson where  magic like "%PDF%" 

This will give you the total number of PDFs out of all files
mysql>SELECT ( select count(magic)  from filejson where  magic like "%PDF%" ) as "PDF Total" , (select count(magic) from filejson where  magic like "%executable%") as "Executables Total" , (select count(magic) from filejson where filename like "%.xls") as "Excel Total";

This will give you:
| PDF Total | Executables Total | Excel Total |
|       391 |              2468 |           7 |
mysql> SELECT ( select count(magic)  from filejson where  magic like "%PDF%" ) as "PDF Total" , (select count(magic) from filejson where  magic like "%executable%") as "Executables Total" , (select count(magic) from filejson where filename like "%.xls") as "Excel Total", (select count(magic) from filejson) as "TOTAL NUMER OF FILES";

| PDF Total | Executables Total | Excel Total | TOTAL NUMER OF FILES |
|       391 |              2468 |           7 |              3743925 |

the above query - a breakdown for PDF, executables and files hat have extension .xls
mysql>select srcip,filename,http_host,count(*) as total from filejson where filename like "%.xls" group by srcip,filename,http_host order by total DESC limit 10;

the above will select top 10 source ip and document NAMES where excel files (files with extension .xls) were downloaded form
mysql>select srcip,http_host,count(*) as total from filejson where filename like "%.exe" group by srcip,http_host order by total DESC limit 10;

the above will select the top 10 source ips from where ".exe" files where downloaded from
mysql>select srcip,http_host,count(*) as total from filejson where filename like "%.doc" group by srcip,http_host order by total DESC limit 10;

the above for ".doc" files
mysql>select magic,http_host,count(*) as count from filejson group by magic,http_host order by count DESC limit 20;

select top 20 hosts grouped and ordered by count
mysql>select dstip,size,count(*) as total from filejson  group by dstip,size order by total DESC limit 10;

the above query will show you he top 10 downloading ips by size of downloads
mysql>select dstip,http_host,count(*) as total from filejson where filename like "%.exe" group by dstip order by total DESC limit 5;

the above query will show you the top 5 downloading ips (and the hosts they downloaded from) that downloaded files with .exe extensions.

Peter Manev
