Bug #108
Our default configuration should not warn at startup.
Added by Will Metcalf almost 15 years ago.
Updated over 14 years ago.
We should not have out-of-the box warnings at start-up.
Starting suricata: Warning: Invalid global_log_level assigned by user.
Falling back on the default_log_level "Info"
Warning: Invalid global_log_format supplied by user or format length exceeded
limit of "128" characters. Falling back on default log_format "[%i] %t - (%f:
%l) <%d> (%n) -- "
Warning: Output_interface not supplied by user. Falling back on
default_output_interface "Console"
- Assignee changed from OISF Dev to Anoop Saldanha
Will Metcalf wrote:
We should not have out-of-the box warnings at start-up.
Starting suricata: Warning: Invalid global_log_level assigned by user.
Falling back on the default_log_level "Info"
Warning: Invalid global_log_format supplied by user or format length exceeded
limit of "128" characters. Falling back on default log_format "[%i] %t - (%f:
%l) <%d> (%n) -- "
Warning: Output_interface not supplied by user. Falling back on
default_output_interface "Console"
maybe it would be better to buffer these warnings till we print the suricata version and initial startup info is printed, and then print these warnings.
Why does it give the invalid log level warning in the first place? I've seen it in occasions where I didn't supply any loglevel or env var...
- File 0001-fix-for-bug-108.patch added
Victor Julien wrote:
Why does it give the invalid log level warning in the first place? I've seen it in occasions where I didn't supply any loglevel or env var...
Looks like a new log level LOG_NOT_SET was added, which. Tweaked the statements to be more meaningful. Have also moved the suricata version to the top of main, since that should be the first thing printed.
- Estimated time changed from 2.50 h to 0.00 h
I fail to see how this patch would change anything. Other than the version print and a slightly tweaked warning message there is no real change, is there?
Victor Julien wrote:
I fail to see how this patch would change anything. Other than the version print and a slightly tweaked warning message there is no real change, is there?
The messages aren't wrong per se. It is just that it wasn't accurate enough. But we still need these warnings to be supplied to the user.
And yes, the suricata version should be the first thing printed.
The issue is about getting these warnings out of the box. So after a fresh install with the default config, it warns. It shouldn't.
- Due date changed from 05/10/2010 to 04/16/2010
- Priority changed from Normal to High
- Estimated time changed from 0.00 h to 2.00 h
- File deleted (
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
I've applied this patch. Please use a more descriptive commit message in the future.
- Estimated time changed from 2.00 h to 1.00 h
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