Bug #125
closedImproperly spaced config file causes the engine to hang during init.
Improper spacing in the attached config for the alert-debug stuff causes the engine to hang during init. Additionally Would it be possible to add a line number where the parsing error occurred?
sh c ulimit -c unlimited; /testresults/2010-03-26-11-07-39/CentOS-5.3-32-bit/oisf/src/suricata -r /pcaps/tests/suricata40.pcap -s /testscripts/current-all-blah.rules -l /testresults/2010-03-26-11-07-39/CentOS-5.3-32-bit/oisf/src/ -c /testscripts/suricata35.yaml "
Warning: Invalid global_log_level assigned by user. Falling back on the default_log_level "Info"
Warning: Invalid global_log_format supplied by user or format length exceeded limit of "128" characters. Falling back on default log_format "[%i] %t - (%f:%l) <%d> (%n) -
Warning: Output_interface not supplied by user. Falling back on default_output_interface "Console"
[3685] 26/3/2010 -- 14:27:05 - (suricata.c:582) <Info> (main) -- This is Suricata version 0.8.1
[3685] 26/3/2010 -- 14:27:05 - (util-cpu.c:150) <Info> (UtilCpuPrintSummary) -- CPUs Summary:
[3685] 26/3/2010 -- 14:27:05 - (util-cpu.c:152) <Info> (UtilCpuPrintSummary) -- CPUs online: 2
[3685] 26/3/2010 -- 14:27:05 - (util-cpu.c:154) <Info> (UtilCpuPrintSummary) -- CPUs configured 2
Failed to parse configuration file: did not find expected key