



Bug #2355


Missing events with PF_RING 7.1.0

Added by Sascha Steinbiss about 7 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

Target version:
Affected Versions:


After building Suricata (4.0.0 and later, didn't try 3.x) with PF_RING 7.1.0, EVE output does no longer contain app-level events, only flows, some alerts (only those that do not require app-layer decoding) and stats. The stats.log confirms that apparently app-layer decoding is limited:


Date: 12/11/2017 -- 13:52:26 (uptime: 0d, 00h 06m 04s)
Counter                                    | TM Name                   | Value
capture.kernel_packets                     | Total                     | 686336033
capture.kernel_drops                       | Total                     | 234516595
decoder.pkts                               | Total                     | 452024541
decoder.bytes                              | Total                     | 326598481839
decoder.invalid                            | Total                     | 752032
decoder.ipv4                               | Total                     | 450564379
decoder.ipv6                               | Total                     | 13465
decoder.ethernet                           | Total                     | 465278010
decoder.tcp                                | Total                     | 413616530
decoder.udp                                | Total                     | 26575273
decoder.icmpv4                             | Total                     | 8305400
decoder.icmpv6                             | Total                     | 50
decoder.gre                                | Total                     | 275
decoder.vlan                               | Total                     | 422557560
decoder.teredo                             | Total                     | 12613
decoder.avg_pkt_size                       | Total                     | 722
decoder.max_pkt_size                       | Total                     | 1514
flow.tcp                                   | Total                     | 2239259
flow.udp                                   | Total                     | 1106157
flow.icmpv6                                | Total                     | 3
defrag.ipv4.fragments                      | Total                     | 10385
defrag.ipv4.reassembled                    | Total                     | 4960
decoder.icmpv4.ipv4_unknown_ver            | Total                     | 9
decoder.tcp.invalid_optlen                 | Total                     | 8
decoder.vlan.unknown_type                  | Total                     | 752015
tcp.sessions                               | Total                     | 1552824
tcp.pseudo                                 | Total                     | 36994
tcp.syn                                    | Total                     | 4537984
tcp.synack                                 | Total                     | 3343138
tcp.rst                                    | Total                     | 2687129
tcp.stream_depth_reached                   | Total                     | 3222
tcp.reassembly_gap                         | Total                     | 22404
tcp.overlap                                | Total                     | 148635
tcp.insert_list_fail                       | Total                     | 130
detect.alert                               | Total                     | 45
app_layer.flow.http                        | Total                     | 17014
app_layer.tx.http                          | Total                     | 33506
app_layer.flow.smtp                        | Total                     | 1195
app_layer.tx.smtp                          | Total                     | 1455
app_layer.flow.tls                         | Total                     | 111789
app_layer.flow.ssh                         | Total                     | 10
app_layer.flow.smb                         | Total                     | 551
app_layer.flow.dcerpc_tcp                  | Total                     | 554
app_layer.flow.dns_tcp                     | Total                     | 39
app_layer.tx.dns_tcp                       | Total                     | 57
app_layer.flow.enip_tcp                    | Total                     | 2
app_layer.tx.enip_tcp                      | Total                     | 4313
app_layer.flow.failed_tcp                  | Total                     | 25526
app_layer.flow.dns_udp                     | Total                     | 468444
app_layer.tx.dns_udp                       | Total                     | 1361992
app_layer.flow.enip_udp                    | Total                     | 189
app_layer.tx.enip_udp                      | Total                     | 194
app_layer.flow.failed_udp                  | Total                     | 637524
flow_mgr.closed_pruned                     | Total                     | 443247
flow_mgr.new_pruned                        | Total                     | 1945025
flow_mgr.est_pruned                        | Total                     | 13
flow.spare                                 | Total                     | 8800
flow.tcp_reuse                             | Total                     | 429273
flow_mgr.flows_checked                     | Total                     | 409914
flow_mgr.flows_notimeout                   | Total                     | 402764
flow_mgr.flows_timeout                     | Total                     | 7150
flow_mgr.flows_timeout_inuse               | Total                     | 247
flow_mgr.flows_removed                     | Total                     | 6903
flow_mgr.rows_checked                      | Total                     | 65536
flow_mgr.rows_skipped                      | Total                     | 39210
flow_mgr.rows_maxlen                       | Total                     | 39
tcp.memuse                                 | Total                     | 164095088
tcp.reassembly_memuse                      | Total                     | 1385919392
dns.memuse                                 | Total                     | 61260823
http.memuse                                | Total                     | 1740109925
flow.memuse                                | Total                     | 285200512


Date: 12/11/2017 -- 14:30:24 (uptime: 0d, 00h 05m 10s)
Counter                                    | TM Name                   | Value
capture.kernel_packets                     | Total                     | 501027458
capture.kernel_drops                       | Total                     | 70551514
decoder.pkts                               | Total                     | 502718889
decoder.bytes                              | Total                     | 385563135748
decoder.invalid                            | Total                     | 1228617
decoder.ipv4                               | Total                     | 501258422
decoder.ipv6                               | Total                     | 11947
decoder.ethernet                           | Total                     | 517635913
decoder.tcp                                | Total                     | 464279594
decoder.udp                                | Total                     | 28373641
decoder.icmpv4                             | Total                     | 7055425
decoder.icmpv6                             | Total                     | 40
decoder.gre                                | Total                     | 202
decoder.vlan                               | Total                     | 502718889
decoder.vlan_qinq                          | Total                     | 327549685
decoder.teredo                             | Total                     | 11092
decoder.avg_pkt_size                       | Total                     | 766
decoder.max_pkt_size                       | Total                     | 1518
flow.tcp                                   | Total                     | 914059
flow.udp                                   | Total                     | 3199030
flow.icmpv6                                | Total                     | 2
defrag.ipv4.fragments                      | Total                     | 7740
defrag.ipv4.reassembled                    | Total                     | 3703
decoder.icmpv4.ipv4_unknown_ver            | Total                     | 6
decoder.tcp.invalid_optlen                 | Total                     | 6
decoder.vlan.unknown_type                  | Total                     | 1228605
tcp.sessions                               | Total                     | 535445
tcp.syn                                    | Total                     | 3695043
tcp.synack                                 | Total                     | 2811274
tcp.rst                                    | Total                     | 2366381
detect.alert                               | Total                     | 34
app_layer.flow.dns_udp                     | Total                     | 1373463
app_layer.tx.dns_udp                       | Total                     | 1490375
app_layer.flow.enip_udp                    | Total                     | 170
app_layer.tx.enip_udp                      | Total                     | 197
app_layer.flow.failed_udp                  | Total                     | 1825397
flow_mgr.new_pruned                        | Total                     | 2855072
flow.spare                                 | Total                     | 13371
flow_mgr.flows_checked                     | Total                     | 737245
flow_mgr.flows_notimeout                   | Total                     | 728821
flow_mgr.flows_timeout                     | Total                     | 8424
flow_mgr.flows_removed                     | Total                     | 8424
flow_mgr.rows_checked                      | Total                     | 65536
flow_mgr.rows_skipped                      | Total                     | 28340
flow_mgr.rows_maxlen                       | Total                     | 44
tcp.memuse                                 | Total                     | 148958880
tcp.reassembly_memuse                      | Total                     | 3276800
dns.memuse                                 | Total                     | 42790886
flow.memuse                                | Total                     | 371814208

It's interesting that the remanining flows always have no content towards the client and are tagged "state":"new","reason":"timeout". Here's an anonymized sample with all src IPs set to and all dest IPs set to


I have prepared a VM containing a build to reproduce the issue. SSH (port 3022, user:user) into the box available from -- there's a setup there that should show the problem (see README.txt in /home/user).


eve.json (32.1 KB) eve.json Sascha Steinbiss, 06/02/2018 11:31 AM
example-traffic.pcap (267 KB) example-traffic.pcap Sascha Steinbiss, 06/02/2018 11:31 AM

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