Security #2736
closedDNS Golden Transaction ID - detection bypass
Hello, team!
I've found an interesting problem in DNS protocol related to Transaction ID header field
I made a signature:
alert dns any any -> any 53 ( \
msg:"DNS - Transaction ID problem, DDNS"; \
content:"|04|ddns|03|net|00|"; \
classtype:trojan-activity; \
sid:1; rev:1;)
Please, find a pcap dump in attached archive: 23_6594.pcap
It contains only one packet extracted from a public sandbox.
A signature doesn't match!
I investigated this case a bit and found that for a specific range of Transaction ID values (0x6000, 0x6001, ..., 0x6010, ... 0x6594, 0x6595 and maybe more) detection still absent.
But if we choose something like 0x5FFF as example - detection will be.
I tried some another domain (as example, which is longer on 1 symbol) - and for previous Transaction ID values detection appears.
So, seems that some kind of Transaction ID influence happened.
I made a following game:
- I've generated 65536 different pcaps for a domain in 23_6594.pcap with all possible Transaction ID values
- I've scanned them all... and found one more magic Transaction ID value: 0x0400. More than that:
- pcap with Transaction ID = 0x03FF - detected (23_03FF.pcap)
- pcap with Transaction ID = 0x0400 - not detected (23_0400.pcap)
- pcap with Transaction ID = 0x0401 - detected (23_0401.pcap) - Then I've reduced an original domain length, generated 65535 pcaps, scanned them... and found the same magic ID: 0x0400. And:
- pcap with Transaction ID = 0x03FF - detected (22_03FF.pcap)
- pcap with Transaction ID = 0x0400 - not detected (22_0400.pcap)
- pcap with Transaction ID = 0x0401 - detected (22_0401.pcap) - Then I've increased an original domain length, again generated 65535 pcaps, again scanned them... and again :) found the same magic ID: 0x0400. And:
- pcap with Transaction ID = 0x03FF - detected (24_03FF.pcap)
- pcap with Transaction ID = 0x0400 - not detected (24_0400.pcap)
- pcap with Transaction ID = 0x0401 - detected (24_0401.pcap)
Finally I just made the nslookup of "" domain (suricata.original.pcap). Fortunately, the Transaction ID was small and I reproduced a detection with following rule:
alert dns any any -> any 53 ( \
msg:"DNS - Transaction ID problem, suricata"; \
content:"suricata"; \
classtype:trojan-activity; \
sid:2; rev:1;)
Than I changed the Transaction ID to 0x4000 - no detection (suricata.0400.pcap)
I changed it to 0x4001 - detection appears again (suricata.0401.pcap)
I've tested the 0x4000 magic Transaction ID with different domains (DGA - situation is the same)
Seems that we have a reliable approach to perform an information transport via the DNS tunneling without detection in DNS protocol
Could you confirm that?
Thank you
Sincerely yours, Alexey Vishnyakov