Bug #3352
closedincorrect permissions on /var/run/suricata when RUN_AS_USER is set
Affected Versions:
on a fresh install of suricata 5, i am using RUN_AS_USER, and that user should own /var/run/suricata so it can create and communicate with /var/run/suricata/suricata.socket.
I have modified the init.d script in the function check_run_dir().
it is installed as:
check_run_dir() { if [ ! -d /var/run/suricata ]; then →⋅ mkdir /var/run/suricata fi →chmod 0755 /var/run/suricata }
but i believe it should be:
check_run_dir() { if [ ! -d /var/run/suricata ]; then →⋅ mkdir /var/run/suricata fi # i add the following modification through a configuration mgmt system if [ ! -z "$RUN_AS_USER" ]; then chown $RUN_AS_USER /var/run/suricata; fi # end modification →⋅chmod 0755 /var/run/suricata }
I believe it was the same in version 4.X as i had this modification in older versions as well, I have not marked older affected versions as I have had this fix since I first started using Suricata 4.0 Since its so easily fixed, please feel free to change the classification.
And as always, thank you for the great software