



Task #4714


Improve unittests coverage for Suricata's application layers rust nom parsers

Added by Juliana Fajardini Reichow over 3 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

Target version:
Beginner, Outreachy, Rust


Some of the Suricata app-layer parsers require better unittests coverage. For this ticket, the focus are the nom parsers, well-suited for test-driven development, as they can run as standalone units.

If you want to contribute with this ticket, please comment below which unassigned file you want to claim/work with. We'll keep track of available files like so, in this ticket.

The idea is to cover the most important/complex parsers. Some of the files listed already have some coverage but would be benefited if one tested a few more of the key nom parsers (or those which are not laterally tested by being called by other parsers). The files tagged needs tests don't have any unittests at all, as of now.

If you believe any file doesn't require more unit tests, please tell us so, explaining why, so we can mark them as covered.

File Current state Assigned
ike::parser needs tests unassigned
nfs::nfs2_records needs tests Sam Muhammed
nfs::nfs3_records needs tests Sam Muhammed
nfs::nfs4_records needs tests Sam Muhammed
smb::ntlmssp_records needs tests unassigned
smb::dcerpc_records needs tests unassigned
smb::smb1_records needs tests unassigned
smb::smb2_records needs tests unassigned
sip::parser some key parsers aren't covered unassigned
smb::smb3 some key parsers aren't covered unassigned
dhcp::parser maybe a test for parse_all_options unassigned
mqtt::parser test key parsers Haleema Khan
rfb::parser needs more tests Haleema Khan

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