Bug #7226
lua: use crate from crates.io instead of github to fix offline builds
Added by Jason Ish 6 months ago.
Updated 4 months ago.
For offline builds to work with the vendored Rust crates, they must be from crates.io.
When we vendor Rust crates, the following .cargo/config.toml
is created:
registry = 'https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index'
replace-with = 'vendored-sources'
directory = '/home/jason/oisf/dev/suricata/master/rust/vendor'
This will tell Cargo to look for "crates.io" hosted crates in our local directory. When we git as a source for a crate it does not apply, and we'd need an entry just for that repo. So keep things simple, once we are ready to merge to master we should probably push to crates.io.
- Status changed from In Review to Closed
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