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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2958 Suricata Feature Assigned Normal Suricata 5.0.0beta1 and way too much anomaly logging Jeff Lucovsky 08/01/2022 04:21 PM Actions
2957 Suricata Feature Assigned Normal Suricata x Moloch - protocol detection. Proposals for TLS/SSL Michal Vymazal 11/23/2019 09:12 AM Actions
2954 Suricata Bug New Normal Strange interaction with afpacket - high CPU usage and no packet processing Community Ticket 05/23/2019 10:04 PM Actions
2939 Suricata Feature New Normal Suricata enhancements - proposals Michal Vymazal 05/23/2019 10:03 PM Actions
2938 Suricata-Update Feature Assigned Normal Add a "show-defaults" command Shivani Bhardwaj 11/23/2022 05:55 PM Actions
2935 Suricata Feature New Normal Support for multiple-logger for drop eve-log Community Ticket 04/18/2019 11:41 AM Actions
2934 Suricata Bug New Normal VLAN tags stripped when saving pcap log OISF Dev 05/23/2019 09:28 PM Actions
2932 Suricata Feature Assigned Normal add batman-adv decode support Christian Tramnitz 01/30/2020 01:32 PM Actions
2931 Suricata Feature New Normal Perform privdrop without libcap-ng support Emmanuel Roullit 11/07/2019 11:02 PM Actions
2928 Suricata Bug New Normal alerts on icmp signatures in 4.0.x and 4.1.x OISF Dev 09/27/2019 09:59 AM Actions
2925 Suricata Feature New Normal Support for SPB encapsulation Community Ticket 01/30/2020 01:32 PM Actions
2918 Suricata Bug New Normal Unable to mmap, error Resource temporarily unavailable - err seems OS specific Community Ticket 11/22/2019 05:25 PM Actions
2891 Suricata Bug New Normal Empty rrname in DNS answer for non-recurse NS answers Jason Ish 11/08/2023 03:04 PM Actions
2880 Suricata-Update Optimization New Low Remove redundant code Community Ticket 11/23/2022 05:53 PM Actions
2860 Suricata Feature Assigned Normal Suricata doesn't detect part of IKEv2 traffic Pierre Chifflier 11/09/2023 02:32 PM Actions
2858 Suricata Bug New Normal app-layer-protocol:failed; doesn't match traffic with ALPROTO_UNKNOWN Community Ticket 08/29/2019 10:18 PM Actions
2818 Suricata Feature New Normal Napatech Bypass support Community Ticket 05/18/2023 01:00 PM Actions
2815 Suricata Bug Assigned Normal race condition during file-magic initialization magen bluten 11/08/2023 02:56 PM Actions
2814 Suricata Bug New Normal suricatasc: hangs indefinitely and uses too much processing for pcap-file-continuos command Community Ticket 11/12/2024 04:04 PM Actions
2807 Suricata Bug Assigned Normal DNS LUA Logging does not have any way to log NXDOMAIN Jason Ish 08/07/2020 01:54 PM Actions
2785 Suricata-Update Feature New Normal rules index update - add JA3 / SSL IP sources Jason Ish 05/23/2019 09:41 PM Actions
2784 Suricata-Update Feature New Normal rules index update - ssl blacklists Jason Ish 05/23/2019 09:42 PM Actions
2780 Suricata Optimization New Normal Convert DNP3 from C to Rust Community Ticket 02/25/2021 03:18 PM Actions
2778 Suricata Task New Normal tracking: port app-layer parsers to Rust OISF Dev 09/26/2019 09:38 AM Actions
2773 Suricata Bug New Normal add suricata-update to MSI packaging Peter Manev 06/15/2019 09:52 PM Actions
(1226-1250/1482) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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