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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2659 Suricata-Update Feature Feedback Normal Define the output rules file name. Joel Samaroo 11/23/2022 05:53 PM Actions
2656 Suricata Bug Assigned Normal Alerts not triggered under some conditions on traffic containing rule matches OISF Dev 11/21/2022 02:11 PM Actions
2648 Suricata Feature New Normal store captured data into file Community Ticket 05/23/2019 09:52 PM Actions
2630 Suricata-Update Feature Feedback Normal Suricata Update for Windows Peter Manev 06/21/2024 03:37 PM Actions
2628 Suricata Feature Assigned Normal Specify the flow direction in metadata sent by Suricata. Daniel Jaraud 05/27/2019 08:54 PM Actions
2627 Suricata Bug New Normal lua: load script from same location as rule file if not in default rule location Community Ticket 06/30/2023 02:12 PM Actions
2621 Suricata Optimization Assigned Normal Convert setup scripts from sh/ed/sed to Python. Jason Ish 08/30/2021 03:23 PM Actions
2620 Suricata Documentation New Normal Documentation: tagged_packets / event_type packet OISF Dev 01/08/2024 02:32 PM Actions
2614 Suricata Bug Assigned Normal filemagic: pdf filemagic match Peter Manev 03/04/2023 02:22 PM Actions
2613 Suricata Feature New Normal stats: add xdp counters to stats Community Ticket 10/27/2022 04:24 PM Actions
2589 Suricata Documentation New Normal document decode-event Community Ticket 09/25/2019 07:20 PM Actions
2588 Suricata Documentation New Normal document hostbits keyword OISF Dev 08/05/2022 02:52 PM Actions
2569 Suricata Feature New Normal multi-tenancy: allow mapping to 'device pair' in IPS mode Community Ticket 03/11/2019 01:52 PM Actions
2556 Suricata-Update Feature New Normal Suricata-update gives disabled messages but also still parse errors which don't get disabled > so test fails Jason Ish 07/10/2019 09:30 PM Actions
2538 Suricata Feature New Normal dsize keyword improvements Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:03 PM Actions
2519 Suricata Feature New Normal XFF iprep support Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:03 PM Actions
2513 Suricata Feature Feedback Normal Suricata read the SSLProxy header Community Ticket 11/09/2020 12:14 PM Actions
2509 Suricata-Update Feature Feedback Normal Add support to have more than one condition to match a rule Julian Wecke 11/23/2022 05:53 PM Actions
2488 Suricata Feature New Normal HTML Parsing / Buffers OISF Dev 11/04/2019 11:59 AM Actions
2487 Suricata Feature New Normal Buffers for field/value pairs in http_uri and http_client_body OISF Dev 06/12/2018 05:20 PM Actions
2486 Suricata Feature In Review Normal prefilter/fast_pattern logic for flowbits Victor Julien 11/19/2024 02:55 PM Actions
2478 Suricata Bug Feedback Normal PCAP logging does not include 802.1q header when using af-packet OISF Dev 07/21/2023 05:16 AM Actions
2477 Suricata Bug Feedback Low 802.1ah & Untagged Traffic OISF Dev 07/21/2023 05:16 AM Actions
2470 Suricata Documentation Feedback Normal document content inspection in chunks Eric Urban 11/11/2022 01:20 PM Actions
2460 Suricata Optimization New Normal Reduce timeout in unix-socket when multiple pcaps are enqueued Community Ticket 05/18/2023 09:09 AM Actions
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