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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1772 Suricata Bug New Normal Inconsistent number of alerts while reading a pcap - runmode single/autofp,unix-socket OISF Dev 09/27/2019 01:17 PM Actions
1770 Suricata Bug Feedback Normal Suricata takes very long time to start using hyperscan and large/custom detect settings Community Ticket 08/22/2019 11:41 AM Actions
1767 Suricata Feature New Normal Support DTLS protocol Community Ticket 07/14/2020 01:34 PM Actions
1766 Suricata Feature Assigned Normal TLS keyword expansion Mats Klepsland 09/27/2019 01:19 PM Actions
1752 Suricata Feature New Low Netmap for Windows Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:18 PM Actions
1750 Suricata Feature New Normal Set Suricata to listen to all network interfaces when using AF_PACKET Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:18 PM Actions
1749 Suricata Optimization New Normal Log PACKET_DROP in inline mode for invalid states as well Community Ticket 10/01/2019 10:21 PM Actions
1741 Suricata Feature New Normal flow: use capture methods flow hash Community Ticket 04/08/2019 12:12 PM Actions
1722 Suricata Bug New Normal ip rules don't trigger under the context of 'flow:stateless' OISF Dev 09/27/2019 01:27 PM Actions
1718 Suricata Optimization New Normal Time stamp in Log files should be ISO 8601 format Community Ticket 09/27/2019 01:28 PM Actions
1712 Suricata Feature New Normal multitenancy: 'lite' tenants Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:17 PM Actions
1710 Suricata Feature New Normal Unix socket: Send output to unix socket Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:17 PM Actions
1691 Suricata Documentation New Normal Docs: Convert windows docs Peter Manev 09/25/2019 07:20 PM Actions
1595 Suricata Optimization New Normal Suricata starts in known conditions of no data OISF Dev 09/27/2019 06:01 PM Actions
1590 Suricata Feature New Normal lua: force file magic and md5 lookup from script Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:17 PM Actions
1571 Suricata Feature New Normal Socket permissions setting in suricata.yaml Community Ticket 09/27/2019 01:50 PM Actions
1566 Suricata Feature New Normal ICMPv4 control channel detection Community Ticket 09/27/2019 01:55 PM Actions
1542 Suricata Feature Assigned Low dump-config - extend into multi-detect supplied yaml configuration Jason Ish 10/25/2022 10:17 AM Actions
1541 Suricata Feature New Normal multi-detect - vlan range mapping Community Ticket 06/30/2019 06:46 PM Actions
1505 Suricata Feature New Normal lua: show lua scripts during rule (re)loading OISF Dev 11/26/2021 11:12 AM Actions
1504 Suricata Feature New Normal lua: better notification in verbose mode on script errors OISF Dev 11/26/2021 11:11 AM Actions
1489 Suricata Feature New Normal Log a message when memcap limit is reached Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:16 PM Actions
1484 Suricata Bug New Normal Remove BUG_ON(1) statements in the packet path OISF Dev 09/09/2024 02:25 PM Actions
1469 Suricata Feature Assigned Normal Use ISO 8601 date/time formats OISF Dev 08/07/2020 01:55 PM Actions
1412 Suricata Bug New Normal byte_test checks before byte_extract happens in some cases OISF Dev 07/09/2019 09:32 PM Actions
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