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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1399 Suricata Bug Assigned Normal Flowbits rules not always evaluated in necessary order Victor Julien 03/06/2021 08:07 AM Actions
1389 Suricata Feature New Normal suppress by host OISF Dev 09/08/2016 02:35 PM Actions
1382 Suricata Bug Feedback Normal BPF not reflected in suricata.log when using pf-ring Community Ticket 01/26/2021 10:01 AM Actions
1380 Suricata Feature New Normal JSON and Unified2 output "payload" does not contain full (or real in the case of Unified2) packets for session OISF Dev 01/01/2016 05:49 PM Actions
1370 Suricata Bug New Normal sctp fp on suricata engine OISF Dev 07/09/2019 09:34 PM Actions
1348 Suricata Feature Feedback Normal OOBE -6- increasing max-pending-packets default value Peter Manev 08/07/2020 01:55 PM Actions
1313 Suricata Optimization New Normal All Free functions should correctly handle NULL pointers Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:16 PM Actions
1300 Suricata Feature New Normal profiling: per flow recording of profiling data OISF Dev 09/18/2018 07:14 AM Actions
1290 Suricata Feature New Normal handle SIGHUP signal Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:16 PM Actions
1250 Suricata Feature New Normal protocol: Multipath TCP (mptcp) OISF Dev 11/13/2022 08:48 AM Actions
1247 Suricata Bug New Normal Using suppress in threshold.config does not prevent dropping Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:15 PM Actions
1234 Suricata Feature New Normal nfqueue: use mnl API Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:15 PM Actions
1233 Suricata Documentation Assigned Normal Documentation for each keyword in stats.log file. Andreas Herz 04/17/2020 06:28 AM Actions
1222 Suricata Optimization New Normal Boyer Moore content not shared between same content OISF Dev 01/01/2016 06:21 PM Actions
1216 Suricata Feature New Low Debian repository Community Ticket 04/14/2020 10:09 PM Actions
1215 Suricata Feature New Low journald logging support Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:15 PM Actions
1194 Suricata Feature New Normal Implement http_args keyword to match http arguments - query string or body Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:14 PM Actions
1191 Suricata Feature New Normal EVE log does not support customformat Community Ticket 02/23/2019 09:55 PM Actions
1188 Suricata Optimization New Low Don't use iface name in GetIfaceMaxHWHeaderLength Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:14 PM Actions
1152 Suricata Bug Feedback Normal Write to ipfw divert socket failed: Message too long Community Ticket 07/27/2019 10:35 PM Actions
1140 Suricata Feature New Normal IP-Address white list implementation for IPS mode (without disable a rule global) OISF Dev 03/29/2022 03:46 PM Actions
1132 Suricata Feature New Normal set rpath for libs not in the default linker paths OISF Dev 01/01/2016 06:10 PM Actions
1095 Suricata Feature New Normal Integration of support for STIX-based indicators Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:14 PM Actions
1094 Suricata Optimization New Normal Special check for first character of buffer OISF Dev 01/01/2016 06:20 PM Actions
1084 Suricata Bug Assigned Low pfring: valgrind: memory leak at exit in bpf filter Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:14 PM Actions
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