

Giovanni Tedaldi


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1



12:04 PM Suricata Bug #407: Suricata crashes
Using: "sudo tcpreplay -t -L 369350 -i vmnet1 6.pcap" makes suricata crash, while: "sudo tcpreplay -t -L 369300 -i vm... Giovanni Tedaldi
10:44 AM Suricata Bug #407: Suricata crashes
I've made a few tests.
It seems to be 6.pcap, the original name (the one it has before tcprewriting) should be ictf2...
Giovanni Tedaldi
10:08 AM Suricata Bug #407: Suricata crashes
I've compiled suricata with --enable-debug and, this time, I also remebered to add the option !strip.
Here's the bac...
Giovanni Tedaldi


03:20 AM Suricata Bug #407: Suricata crashes
I've used: tcprewrite --dlt=enet --enet-dmac=00:12:13:14:15:16,00:22:33:44:55:66 --enet-smac=00:12:13:14:15:16,00:22:... Giovanni Tedaldi
02:50 AM Suricata Bug #407: Suricata crashes
1. It's a 23Gb archive and I've had to tcprewrite them to add ethernet layer Giovanni Tedaldi


10:59 AM Suricata Bug #407 (Closed): Suricata crashes
I'm making some tests of suricata using ictf2010's traffic dumps.
I use tcpreplay to replicate pcap files on the int...
Giovanni Tedaldi

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